In this webpage you can find some basic information about my research interests, some the projects we have been working on, our team and the different functions we developed in R. You can find also some information about new courses, publications and even some music.

An Overview
I’m trained as a plant ecologist and agronomist. I’m Senior Scientist at the Desertification Research Center (CIDE) for the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and I am collaborating with the University of South Bohemia, Department of Botany, as Associate Professor. Using meadows, alpine vegetation and Mediterranean vegetation as a study framework, I assess the role of functional trait diversity on the interface between community assembly and ecosystem service delivery. My interests also include the effects of climate land-use changes on vegetation and the development of integrated biodiversity indicator systems to monitor the effects of these changes in interaction with climate change. Recently we summarized our work on functional traits in a Handbook and the corresponding, freely accessible, R material accompanying the book. We regularly organize courses based on the book (write me in case you want to know the next events or you would be interested to organize one). Every two years we organize a Module of Quantitative Ecology, for Master and PhD students at the University of South Bohemia with great, and completely free, courses (next one will be in fall 2025). I am Associate Editor of the forum section in Journal of Vegetation Science and Applied Vegetation Science and Associate Editor in Journal of Ecology. If you have some proposal for an interesting and provocative view on plant communities and vegetation science for the Forum in JVS and AVS just let me know.
Between 2019 and 2023, and thanks to all our collaborators, I received the recognition as “Highly Cited Researcher“.